Fabricación de otra maquinaria para usos específicos
Productos y servicios
Construcción y reparación de otras maquinas y equipo mecánicos.
Fabricación de otra maquinaria para usos específicos n.c.o.p.
Fabricación de otra maquinaria de uso general n.c.o.p.
Fabricación de otra maquinaria para usos específicos ncop
Fabricación de otra maquinaria de uso general ncop
Manufacture of other special-purpose machinery n.e.c.
Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery n.e.c.
The company, headquartered in Vila-Real, Spain, is engaged in the design, development and installation of engineering and industrial machinery. It was founded in 1981 with a unique purpose of supplying the ceramic industry. Since its founding, it has installed complete plants for diverse clients around the world, consolidating its growth in many different sectors in the national and international markets. The company offers a wide range of products, all adapted to the specific needs of its client. Its work includes completely finished facilities; automatism and electrical installation; pneumatic transport, weighing and feeding frit kilns for enamel atomization plants, dosage and milling facilities as well as storage of clays; and aspiration filters and water purification. Its customer base consists of the ceramics, mining, renewable energies, glass, chemical, environmental and feeding sectors. It has assembled and installed machinery for customers in Portugal, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Indonesia, Pakistan, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Mexico, Colombia and Guatemala.